2023 Memberships are now available!
To get your membership there are two steps:
1) Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/193516137361058/permalink/5937597099619571 to find the 2023 membership form.
2) Pay your membership fees by e-transfer to kelownadiscgolf@gmail.com.
We currently have two options for membership.
#1: Yearly Club Membership ($20)
As a BCDS affiliated club, all Kelowna Disc Golf Association members must hold current BCDS (British Columbia Disc Sports) Membership. This covers you for insurance at KDGA sanctioned casual events AND Tuesday League/Wednesday Doubles.
#2: Yearly Casual Player ($5)
As a casual player and friend of the KDGA you are supporting disc golf in Kelowna and British Columbia by becoming a casual member. With more membership province wide, the BCDS/KDGA are eligible to receive gaming grants and funding.